IWC database portal

This is the IWC Database Portal. Here you can submit a ship Strike (whale collision with a vessel), view, add or download National Progress Reports submitted to the SC and submit a research request.
For all other IWC-related resources, please visit the IWC Website
You accept the our Privacy Policy and Data Sharing agreement

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First Time Users

To gain access to our portal you first need to create an account. If you are on one of our mailing lists or if you receive the message 'this email is already registered' while trying to create an account all you have to do is click the 'Forgot your password?' link on the login page. If you are new to the IWC please click 'Create Account'.

You accept the Privacy Policy and Data Sharing agreement

Create Account!

I Need Help!

If you are having some issues with the portal, please use the details below to contact us!

Please provide as much information as possible, such as the page you are on, the error you receive, steps to reproduce the error and a screenshot if possible.

+44 (0) 1223 233971